Dear Members,

It gives me an immense pleasure and pride writing this messages as a General Secretary of PTAA. First, I would like to heartily thank all esteemed members of our association for electing me as General Secretary for 2024, giving me opportunities to expand, explore the activities of association. Since the establishment of PTAA, objectives of our association is to promote best service and care of our members. It is the combined effort of our team members, present/past President, executives, and patrons to make it complete organization with harmony to deliver knowledge of travel trade. My commitment as a General Secretary would be continuation of our trade activities to the greater height, and expanding collaboration of Airlines and interaction with renowned personalities. I hope that our association’s future is very bright so let us work together for the bright future of our trade and association.

Best Regards

Rajnish Sharma
General Secretary
Punj-aab Travel Agents Association ( Regd. )

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